Monday 15 September 2014

Healthy Snack Ideas and My Fitness Routine! x

(Above) Smoked Salmon, Avocado and raw Carrots. Hartley's 10 calorie Jelly in Raspberry and Kiwi. Calories = 200.

(Above) Linda McCartney vegetarian sausages with two fried white of eggs and 2 handfuls of peas. Calories = 290 calories.

(Above) Activa yogurt in Vanilla with 200g of strawberries. Calories = 130.

(Above) Skinny Cow Minis 1 Caramel Bite (74 calories) and 1 Caramel Swirl (76 calories). Total amount of Calories 150. 

(Above) M+S Sushi 1x pack of Marki snack selection (101), 2x Salmon and prawn Nigiri (186 each) with raw spinach (7). Calories = 480.

2 x 1KG Weights = £6
Dance Workout CD = £3
Total = £9 

Hope you enjoyed this blog about cheap and quick fitness and healthy snacks/meal ideas.

Seeya Soon,


Fran Helsing! x

Where to find me:

Instagram: fran_helsing
Twitter: @fran_helsing or @fran3110
(All photos taken from fran helsing's instagram)

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