Sunday 6 January 2013

A New Beginning! x

Hello Everyone,

If you haven't guessed already my name is Fran but not Fran Helsing that's just a nickname :P Any who I have been meaning to set a blog for a while now but just needed to sit down and do it so here is the first one. My blogs are going to consist of:

Make up
- Bargains of the month
- Fashion
- Music: Rock/Metal/ Charts
- Skin care: Night time routine daily
- Advice: relationships/family/school
- Films:  films I like at moment and film reviews
- Food recipes
- Favourites: make up/ fashions items/food favourites
- many more

These might not all be in one month but you get the idea. As I'm quite new to blogging, I have no idea how people can comment. If you can I would love to hear any suggestions you guys have one what I should include. I'll try and do one weekly so I can to get into the flow.

Stay tuned,

Fran Helsing x

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