Sunday, 29 June 2014

Healthy Sunday: Roast Dinner with Roasted Butternut Squash (Issue 2)

Hi everyone,

Hope you had a great weekend. Mine has been full of working and spending time with family so have been pretty good. Anyway down to business, this recipe is simple and easy to do in like an hour or so. If your trying to lose weight like myself it is quite easy to wanna eat lots of potatoes and Carbohydrate rich food. I'm not cutting them out completely I'm just simple having less than what I would normally have or replacing it with something else. So this recipe uses butternut squash instead of roast potatoes.

Before we get started, I'm not a health expert I'm just made sure I did a bit of research before I did this healthy eating plan. So I'm still learning I guess and this is only one meal idea if you don't like some of the food I have used then replace it with something you like :)

Lets get started.......

50g of Butternut Squash.
1/4 cup of Peas.
1/4 or 2-3 large cubes of frozen Spinach.
4 Turkey rashers (optional).
2 quorn chicken fillets.
4-6 spears of asparagus.

1. Frist pre-heat oven to 180 degrees or gas mark 4. Put some sunflower oil in a baking tray for the butternut squash to go on.

2. Next peel and cut one butternut squash (make sure pieces are smallish size so like the same as roast potatoes I guess), wash under water and let them drain so no water is on them. Then add to baking tray in oven to cook till soft (30-40 minutes). Don't worry about using all the butternut squash you don't have to, you can keep it for doing mash butternut squash or put into a smoothie :)

3. Fill one sauce pan up half way with water and let it boil. This will be for the peas and spinach.  Once boiled add peas and spinach to pan. I use frozen spinach which I know isn't good but it is as it stays fresh longer, it still the same as fresh spinach and it's quite cheap :)

4. Next in a frying pan add a bit of sunflower oil, put it on a medium heat, this will be for the Quorn chicken fillets which you add to the pan and let it cook till slightly brown on one side then flip over to other side till brown. Then take them out of the pan and on plate off heat.

5. Check on peas and spinach. once looks cooked drain it. make sure all the water is out of the spinach but pressing on it with a spoon till most of it is out. Then add to plate.

6.  This is optional as I'm not vegetarian. If you are ignore this stage and just go to stage 7 or replace turkey rashers with quorn bacon.  Then to the add your turkey rashers to the same pan of the quorn till brown on one side and flip over and repeat. Then take out of the pan and add to plate.

7.  Put asparagus into pan for a few minutes. Then take off and put on plate.

8. Check on butternut squash. If done add to plate if not then leave for a few more minutes till fork goes through it easy and doesn't stick to it or doesn't need to be forced down to.

9. Make gravy if you want to but it is up to you.

Image from fran_helsing (my instagram account)
Thank you so much for reading my healthy Sunday blog post. Don't forget to share this blog post :)
Enjoy the rest of the day :)
 Fran Helsing! x
Where to find me:
Twitter: @fran_helsing
instagram: fran_helsing

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