Thursday 19 June 2014

Hopefully back for good :D

Hi everyone,

So sorry for not posting in a while been a bit mad the last few months in terms of university. Never knew how mad it would be! Anyway, I hope you can forgive me for that. In terms of university I have finished my first year and currently on summer break now till end of September/October, which is pretty mad. So going to try and do a few blog posts a week maybe 2-3 a week and see how I get on.

I was thinking maybe doing a healthy food idea as I am currently trying to eat/drink more healthy. Yeah I am trying to lose a bit of weight but I wanna do it in a way that I’m not giving up on things I enjoy eating but just having less of it. Also doing more exercise is a most for me as getting into the habit of not going outside unless I have to, turning into a hermit I guess (hehe). So yeah really want to get out of that habit, was thinking of doing that maybe on a Saturday or Sunday and showing you guys what I eat (with photos) and how much exercise I did and stuff and maybe putting how much I have lost so if you guys like this idea of healthy eating it can be something to do togetherJ.   On the other hand, I would be doing baking and maybe a student recipe section which would look at ideas of cooking for yourself or you and some friends but still being health and not costing lots.

In addition, I was thinking of doing a ask Fran section where you can ask me anything If I have enough people or might do a tag section of like the TMI tag and things like that so you guys can get to know me a bit better J. I was thinking of doing this maybe on Wednesdays?

Finally, I am still going to do make up/fashion/favourite section to my blogs to which I give honest reviews about products I have seen and heard great things about and wanting to try out for myself. This might be doing fashion section on Friday so it can be fashion Fridays? So can do first week of the month a makeup/haul blog of products and items I have brought over the last month and show photos of me wearing the clothes and make up ideas. Then the other 2 middle Fridays in the month might be like look books or just random things I have tried out of the month. The last week of the month would be a favourite’s blog which would include moments/fashion items/makeup/hair/food/places/youtubers/films.

I hope this is okay with you guys, this is hopefully my way of making it up to you for the times I’ve not posted stuff on here. If you haven’t done so already please share this blog that that others can see it (that would be mind blowing) and please feel free to leave comments below. Again just want to say thank you for all your support and views, you guys are amazing J

Speak to you guys soon,


Fran Helsing x

Where to find me…….<3

Instagram: fran_helsing

Twitter: @fran_helsing

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